Use the arrows to see more photos from the 2016 TDOA Convention in Nashville!
- TDOA supporting one of their sponsored speakers Vision Ease
- TDOA crowd Showing their Support for Vision Ease
- Shane Partain presenting Jay Taylor with 2016 Optician of the Year Award
- Shane Partain presenting Greg Decrowe with a service award
- Shane Partain presenting 2016 Opticina of the Year Award
- LaRhonda Hill recieving her TDOA Service Award
- Larry Christopher (Memphis Director) Jay Taylor (VP) Shane Partain (Knoxville Director), Joy Beth Foster (Past President)
- Larry Christopher and Jay Taylor 2016 Optician of the Year
- Larry Christopher, Shane Partain and Kathy Hawkins haveing a good time after convention
- Melissa and the winner of Bass Pro Shop gift Card
- Jay Taylor 2016 Optician of the Year and his wife Jan Taylor
- Jay Taylor
- Jay Taylor (VP) and Joy Beth Foster (Past President)
- Jay Taylor (VP) 2016 Opticina of the Year and Charlie Bowman (President) 2015 Optician of the Year
- Helen Owens Secretary recieving her TDOA Service award
- Helen Oewn (Secretary) Joy Beth Foster (Past President (2015)